Five ways to improve content & marketing in 2016 with APRS Media!

December 2, 2015
Posted in marketing
December 2, 2015 APRS

By John Ninness, CEO

I’d like to provide you with a quick snapshot of some initiatives that we’re introducing to support our advertisers in 2016.


Commencing January 2016 we’re giving our mining and energy advertisers an analysis report of the market. It will provide you with leads, links and contacts to the upcoming projects and opportunities in the forthcoming months in a succinct form. We have commissioned a leading industry journalist to prepare the report and look forward to the benefits it can provide to our advertisers. This is a unique service and we will progressively roll this out through our other brands next year.


If you or your business want to get noticed in 2016 you must have awesome content that isn’t all about you. You must add some value to the users/readers experience online. As Google’s Eric Schmidt once said

“the Internet is a cesspool of information and outstanding content is the one thing that will separate you from 99% of that cesspool”.

We have a professional team of writers and designers that understand what appeals to an audience in mining, health and retirement sectors. We can help you tap into your customer’s needs and aspirations to ensure your content gets read. In our proposals we will also provide guarantees of reach and engagement based on available data.


Aaron, our Art Director, is completing one of the most exciting research and development projects in the history of our company. Following commercialisation over forthcoming months, we are confident that once delivered, it will revolutionise the way you present yourself to our growing audience.

It’s still “Shhhh” at this stage, but watch this space.


Through our partner organisation, we are proud to introduce ‘augmented reality advertising options’ to our clients. Simply put, you will be able to bring your print adverts to life through an iPad, iPhone or other digital device. This can provide a vast range of high impact positioning options for your brand and we are excited about where this will take the convergence of print and digital advertising. Imagine having your print advert come to life. In 2016, at APRS Media, it will be possible.


In the background, we have been reviewing and refining all our distribution channels to ensure we are touching segments of the market that are relevant to our advertisers. We will introduce a limited range of EDMs and other digital advertising options in 2016 and we will see our distribution optimised to ensure we get to the right place at the right time.
